Map by Google Maps The map above shows just some of the streets of Silver Springs Shores, Florida, possibly the worst place in the world to be a postman. If you can’t immediately see why have a look at the street names…
New York’s Pneumatic Tube Mail Network Map
Map by Kate Ascher published in The Works: Anatomy of a City The map above shows New York’s Pneumatic Tube Mail Network, which operated between 1897 and 1953. Unlike London’s Mail Rail, the system used Pneumatic tubes, not trains to transport letters.
ZIP Code Prefixes In The United States
Map created by reddit user spiderkid319 The map above shows US states by the first digit used in their ZIP codes. Not surprisingly, the numbers start from 0 in the east and get higher the further west you go. You can look up any ZIP code in the US from the USPS here.
The UK Government Lost £1.1 Billion On Royal Mail Privatisation
Royal Mail Share Price Since Privatisation With an election just 3 days away and Labour’s manifesto promising to reverse Royal Mail’s privatisation and re-nationalise it, we thought it would be interesting to do a quick review of how privatisation turned out.
London Post Office Railway (AKA Mail Rail) Map
The map above shows the route of London’s Post Office Railway (better known as Mail Rail) in 1929. It operated beneath London’s streets from 1927 until finally shutting down in 2003.